INDIA Diaries

INDIA Diaries

River view

INDIA Diaries

Wall of Death team riders

INDIA Diaries

On the road to Farrukhabad

2014 / 02 / 08

New Dehli, INDIA and Hue, VIETNAM in February 2014

India and Vietnam, USA 01.02. - 25. 02. 2014

Olaf is traveling to New Dehli, INDIA and Hue, VIETNAM in February 2014. He will be focused on
automotive stories in India and will produce Food stories in Vietnam. Further assignments are welcome.

2014 / 01 / 27

LANGE ANNA visit Bagdad

The exibition of the photographic project ONE DAY IN GERMANY, established 2010 by
FREELENS, can be visited at the German embassy in Bagdad, Irak.

Lange ANNA goes Bagdad

Opening, ©FREELENS/Andy Spyra

Lange ANNA goes Bagdad
Lange ANNA goes Bagdad

Guests, ©FREELENS/Andy Spyra

2013 / 10 / 20